Scholars for 9/11 Truth va a rotoli.

Inviato da  rivers il 14/12/2006 21:47:09
Ed è giusto che sia così, quando un founder come Feltzer si mette a sparare cavolate come la storia del direct energy beam bisogna prendere le dovute distanze... e Steven Jones ha fatto la cosa giusta: ha lasciato e ha fondato un nuovo gruppo di ricerca.

A questo punto mi viene da chiedermi, come può una persona come Feltzer mettersi a sparare certe cose, sapendo benissimo di mettere in gioco la reputazione di tutto il gruppo di ricerca?

Questo è il nuovo sito:

Allego una lettera di Jones, pubblicata da un membro del forum di LooseChange:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This is to inform you that I (along with chemist Kevin Ryan and many others) have withdrawn from association with Jim Fetzer (JF) and “his” version of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and to provide reasons for this action.

1. On the Scholars web site he manages (, Jim Fetzer casts aspersions on my research regarding the use of thermates at the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 -- which is fine as long as he provides serious technical objections, which he has not done. At the same time, JF is promoting on the web site notions that energy-beams from WTC 7 or from space knocked the Towers down. I have invited Jim repeatedly to view the video of my talk given 11/11/06 at the University of California at Berkeley which provides the latest physical evidences for thermate use, reinforcing the data in my published paper. He admitted this week that he has not done so. My UC-Berkeley talk is here:

In fairness, I list Jim’s talk in Tucson (Nov. 13) also, which you may wish to compare: .

Here you will find Jim’s assertion that energy beams directed from WTC 7, or from space, may be the “fascinating” explanation for what caused the Twin Towers to collapse. He also here discusses “falling grand pianos.” My sincere efforts to correct his evident errors/misinformation have been twisted and distorted until I want no more to do with such “tar-baby” discussions.

2. I support this statement made recently by Dr. Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, Victoria Ashley, and other (previous) members of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth:

“Further, on the Scholars’ web site, positions are being promoted which are disputed by the scientists specializing in physical sciences from Scholars For 9/11 Truth. Attempts to correct this situation have failed. As of this date the web site continues to promote assertions which many unsupported by the evidence (ray-beams from space caused the demolitions, mini-nukes were used in the WTC towers, real commercial jets did not hit the WTC towers, etc.). We feel that the promotion of these ideas functions to distract from and discredit much of the other basic strong material challenging the official story of 9/11 which already exists - the stand down, the war games, the insider trading, the many strong points of evidence on the demolitions, etc.”

(This ‘ad hoc’ committee has sent out a letter you may have received; I have chosen their “option 1.”)

3. On the Scholars’ web site, Jim has posted an “Open Letter About Steven Jones” which contains the following: "He is now planning to take control of the web site from me.” "...his attempt to take over the site is morally, legally, and intellectually objectionable on many grounds, including that it qualifies as taking something that does not belong to him."

Jim’s accusation against me is simply untrue and he provided no evidence for his assertion. I replied: “What nonsense. As I have written to you privately… Jim, I have no interest at all "to take over the site." My work is research… Your accusation that I attempt "to take over the site" is not only unfounded, it is bizarre.”

The uncivil accusations and diatribes remain on the Scholars’ web site (actually managed solely by Jim Fetzer) to this day, contrary to the strong objections of many members of the society. You may read my full reply and pleading with Jim to be reasonable, here: I have asked Jim to promptly remove any papers which I authored from this web site, but he has not done so.

Jim Fetzer may keep his web site and whoever wishes to adhere to “his” version of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Many of us thought this was going to be a collective effort where members could have a voice, not Jim’s “sole proprietorship.”

It is most unfortunate that others have been dragged into this situation, and I write out of concern for you to explain what has been going on. Of late, Jim F. refers often to his association now with Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds. These two are noted for their no-planes-hit-the-Towers theories and for promoting the notion of ray-beams from space knocking down the Towers. (I and others have written evidence-based rebuttals to these notions.) These two have written caustic ad hominems about me in particular, and it possible that Jim’s association with them explains some of his recent behavior.

I hope Jim will view the video of my lecture at UC-Berkeley and then re-evaluate his stance.

4. During Thanksgiving weekend, Jim F unilaterally dismissed me as co-chair of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. I felt that this action was improper and unfair. Later he hinted that unspecified legal action might be taken against me and/or Alex Floum, a fine researcher. To me, this was the last straw which led to my ending association with Jim F and “his” society.

5. I join Kevin Ryan and many others in withdrawing from the group so that my name will not be attached to the personalized attacks and ray-beams-from-space stuff on This I did by simply emailing to and stating that “I am withdrawing from this society.”

(This very email is set up such that if you simply hit “Reply to all” and state “I withdraw from this society”, it will send the message to the membership administrator for the society run now by Jim Fetzer.)

6. Some months ago, I initiated and now co-edit with Kevin Ryan the Journal of 9/11 Studies which publishes peer-reviewed papers which adhere to the scientific method. I hope you will take a look at some of the fine papers therein: . I believe this is the proper way to proceed, with careful studies followed by peer-reviewed publication.

7. An ad hoc committee of scholars (from the old group) is forming a research society which will focus on use of the scientific method and peer-reviewed papers. Their website will be closely allied with the Journal of 9/11 Studies (which I co-edit) and will be managed by an elected committee, responsive to the group. Two sample websites are already available to give further information: and . This research group intends to keep in touch with its members and to use the scientific method along with civil and respectful discourse. (We won’t spend much time on ray-beams from space knocking down the Towers!) If you wish to join this group, you may write to: .

Steven E. Jones


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