WTC6: Indebunkabilmente anomalo...

Inviato da  shm il 16/12/2007 20:18:22
Un'esplosione alle 9:03 filmata dalla CNN è ripresa sulla scena del World Trade Center la mattina dell'11 settembre.

Un'evacuazione ordinata del WTC6, rispecchia ciò che inverosimilmente al contrario è successo nella Torre Nord

12 minuti e il WTC6 è deserto...

Una testimonianza afferma di aver corso lungo la facciata ovest dell'edificio vedendo flashes e udendo "pops" inconfondibili...

Una foto passata inosservata acquisisce un significato:

Dopo aver escluso l'esplosione di materiali pericolosi dai sotteranei di WTC6 e aver preso atto che per 8 apiani d'altezza si sia verificato un cratere di forma tondeggiante, come si spiega la presenza insignificante di macerie nel suo buco?

Al video della CNN una spiegazione non l'hanno data nemmeno dagli Stati Uniti (figuriamoci la versione Ufficiale)...

Chi se la sente di dire la sua???


Inviato da  Tuttle il 16/12/2007 20:41:12

E' na roba vecchia di anni ed è stata già smontata da tempo. Se n'è "parlato" qui:



Inviato da  shm il 16/12/2007 20:46:17
Ciao pier69, lo sapevo, ho letto qualche articolo oltremare sull'argomento, prima di scrivere il post, l'ho nominata appunto asserendo di non cadere nell'errore di collocarla proveniente dal WTC6...

La discussione invece è inerente il danneggiamento del WTC6 tra il momento d'impatto dell'aereo alla torre sud e il suo collasso...

grazie del suggerimento, comunque...


Inviato da  Tuttle il 16/12/2007 20:50:37
Veramente il tuo articolo descrive proprio quell'immagine estrapolata dal video e fa ragionamenti su una esplosione (che indichi nella foto)...che esplosione non è ma il dust plume della torre - in risalita sulle pareti degli edifici circostanti.

Ma forse ho letto male?

Tra le 9.03 e le 9.04 dell’11 settembre 2001, un’esplosione è ripresa dalla CNN....Non c’è motivo ragionevole, per il quale avvenne quest’esplosione, giacché le uniche parti degli edifici interessate agli impatti degli aerei fino a quel momento, erano quelle concernenti i piani alti dell’edificio più vicino, la Torre Nord e quelle più lontane della Torre Sud.


Inviato da  shm il 16/12/2007 21:02:43
"Non c’è motivo ragionevole, per il quale avvenne quest’esplosione, giacché le uniche parti degli edifici interessate agli impatti degli aerei fino a quel momento, erano quelle concernenti i piani alti dell’edificio più vicino, la Torre Nord e quelle più lontane della Torre Sud."

"L’orario dell’esplosione primaria (9:03, CNN, nuvola di fumo), coincide inspiegabilmente con l’orario dell’impatto del secondo aereo sulla facciata della Torre Sud: intendendo probabilmente, in tal modo, coprire la detonazione col rumore causato dall’urto dell’aereo sull’edificio di 110 piani...

Più che ragionamento è una constatazione pura e semplice... Ieri leggevo un post che scopriva l'inganno... Ma non mi sembrava doveroso aprire un altro argomento equivoco, a dispetto comunque della Versione Ufficiale. Già così non l'ho finito il post.

Perchè non butti giù due righe anche tu in merito, in modo che chi entra nel 3d abbia la chiara e netta idea di ciò che è l'esplosione/nuvola di fumo della CNN delle 9:03? In maniera rassuntiva.



Inviato da  shm il 16/12/2007 21:13:35
L'esplosione/nuvola comunque non riguarda testimonianze-FEMA-report vari nè la foto di Biggart, nè il cratere...

Di fatto un esplosione che ha danneggiato il WTC6 tra l'orario dell'impatto dell'aereo alla torre sud e il suo collasso c'è stato...

E non c'è niente da fare, ciò è inconfondibile...

Comunque ho modificato precisando meglio l'abbaglio. riconducendotene la paternità!

Il link al 3d di LC che mi avevi inviato l'ho pubblicato...


Inviato da  shm il 20/12/2007 20:06:46
...hai acceso la miccia della carica, Pier69!

Attenzione a chi rimarrà in mano per ultimo...

Troppe bugie son state dette da chi crede di informare con la verità!


Inviato da  Tuttle il 20/12/2007 20:17:51
...hai acceso la miccia della carica, Pier69! Attenzione a chi rimarrà in mano per ultimo...Troppe bugie son state dette da che crede di informare con la verità!

EDIT: rimosso per errore di interpretazione.

EDIT2: Te lo chiedo pubblicamente. Non mi tirare dentro questioni che non mi riguardano. Grazie.


Inviato da  shm il 20/12/2007 20:31:43

EDIT: dalle testimonianze, la foto e i rapporti degli esplosivi non esplosi sotto WTC6, si evince che l'edificio fosse danneggiato prima del crollo della torre SUD...

CNN o non CNN, per quanto ingannevole possa essere, è di interesse secondario, ai fini dei fatti...


Inviato da  shm il 6/1/2008 16:17:08 punto comunque era e rimane il seguente:

- una foto di Biggart mostra un WTC6 danneggiato da esplosioni nel momento in cui la torre sud sta cadendo
- testimonianze ammettono di aver visto ai piani fuori terra di WTC6, flash e pops
- testimonianze ammettono di essere fuggite dai piani dei garage sottoterra
- materiali pericolosi erano stivati sottoterra
- contrariamnete a quanto dicono i "debunker" italiani, rapporti governativi ammettono che tali materiali sono stati messi in sicurezza rapidamente a fine giornata
- sempre tali rapporti ammettono che tali materiali non erano esplosi


Inviato da  shm il 19/1/2008 9:44:36
Da Killtown, una parte dell'intervista completa:

In an exclusive Killtown interview, Ground Zero EMT Patricia Ondrovic talks about her harrowing day at the WTC on 9/11. Within minutes after the South Tower collapses, she witnessed the WTC 5 blowing up, cars exploding, and explosions inside the lobby of the WTC 6, all the while narrowly escaping with her own life.

Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby

KT: You mentioned you were running west on Vesey Street, what happened after that?

PO: I just kept running. I was aware there were other people running as well. After passing the cars on fire, I was trying to find someplace safe. I tried to run into the lobby of 6 World Trade, but there were federal police -- maybe 4 to 6 of them -- standing in the open doorways. As I tried to run in, they wouldn't let me, waving me out, telling me "you can't come in here, keep running." As I turned to start running west again, I saw a series of flashes around the ceiling of the lobby all going off one-by-one like the X-mass lights that "chase" in pattern. I think I started running faster at that point.

KT: Did you hear any "popping" sounds when each of these flashes in the WTC 6 lobby were going off?

PO: Yes, that part was like a movie. The pops were at the same time as the flashes.

KT: Can you estimate either how many flashes you saw or how many of these "pops" you heard inside this lobby?

PO: At least 6 before I was turned away.

KT: Could you still hear any of these explosions when you turned to run back out, or was the noise outside too loud?

PO: I don't recall hearing any more when I resumed running. It was very chaotic.

KT: Now to be clear, were you inside the Lobby of the WTC 6, or were you outside the building when you witnessed these what appeared to be explosions?

PO: I was in the doorway, but not inside the lobby. I remember being able to breathe the somewhat cleaner air coming from inside the building. They stopped me as I was trying to get past the threshold.

KT: Were the explosions going off as you were entering the lobby area, or did they seem to start going off after the police tried to turn you away?

PO: It all happened at the same time. As I got to the doorway, I was told not to come in. As the officer was telling me I couldn't get in the building the flashes starting going off.

KT: Where the police just right at the lobby door, or were some also way inside the building?

PO: There were probably 4-5 officers in the doorway. I could see a few others back in the lobby area.

KT: You said you saw "federal police." What exactly do you mean and did you find it strange they were in there and that they wouldn't let you in?

PO: Well, they were in light brown uniforms and "Smokey the bear" hats. I assumed they were federal police because NYC police don't look like that and I knew there was a lot of federal offices in the WTC as well as the surrounding area, so it wasn't strange to me to see them there, but I did find it very odd that they wouldn't let me in to get cover. But like I say, in that profession, someone tells you to go an opposite way you are going, you don't ask, you just go. I remember hoping they got out as I was watching whatever the small explosions were, because they stayed in the building. They weren't locking it up after evacuating or anything like that.

KT: Did you know which government agencies were in the WTC?

PO: I knew there were a lot of federal agencies in the WTC complex, but I don't know which ones specifically.

KT: Did these policemen run out of the WTC 6 lobby after these explosions occurred, or could you tell?

PO: It didn't look like they did. It looked like they were there making sure no one ran in like I tried to do. I remember seeing them in the doorway, but don't know what happened to them after that.

KT: Did you happen to notice if they were wearing any earplugs or any other uncommon protective gear?

PO: There was nothing that I could see. They appeared to be dressed to simply do lobby detail. No flack wear, no overcoats, no helmets. To this day, I still wonder if they got out.

KT: Did you think these explosions in the lobby were maybe lights popping out as in an electrical surge, or did they seem more like explosives going off in a timed manner?

PO: I immediately got the impression they were timed explosives. I have never thought they were anything else, not then, not now.

KT: Have you ever seen a building being demolished with explosives on TV and was the flashes and pops similar to that?

PO: It did remind me of just that. I had seen something on a Las Vegas casino being demolished and that's what it reminded me of.

KT: Can you try to describe what these "pops" you heard sounded like?

PO: They sounded like light bulbs popping, but there were no light fixtures where the explosions were coming from. The sound was not all that loud.

KT: Do you think these explosions you witnessed were loud enough to be heard on the street?

PO: Because of everything going on, I don't think these "pops" could have been heard from the street. It was definitely louder outside as a whole.

KT: At the time, who did you think planted these explosives in there?

PO: I didn't have any notions of where to put blame per se, but I remember thinking that it was possibly the same organization who tried to blow up the building back in 1993. I figured they came back to finish the job. At the time I was running, I remember thinking that "they" wired the whole area. At the time I wasn't aware that what made the towers catch fire were passenger jets crashing. I thought the buildings had bombs planted to go off that day. The idea of not only one passenger jet, but two took me a while to comprehend -- not to mention the pentagon as well.

KT: Can you estimate how long after you heard the loud rumbling, which was the South Tower coming down, to when you witnessed these explosives going off in the WTC 6?

PO: Well, remember this was all on the same street I was parked. It is very difficult for me to estimate time with so much happening at once, but I want to say maybe 2 to 3 minutes from the rumbling and the ground, and the cars, and the fires, that I tried to run into 6 WTC for cover, which is when I saw those explosions.

KT: Did anybody else besides you and the police witness these explosions in the WTC 6 lobby?

PO: I imagine there must have been others to see, I wasn't the only one running up the street. I can't imagine being the only person to try to run for cover. I didn't see any "civilians" in the lobby of the 6, just the brown uniformed officers.

Re: WTC6: Indebunkabilmente anomalo...

Inviato da  Ciaolo il 19/1/2008 18:33:46
Io quando copioincollo qualcosa in inglese la traduco...

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