Re: problema fondamentale del lunacomplottismo

Inviato da  polaris il 20/7/2013 15:10:55
Ma come sei stato cattivo Fabrizio70 io ero più accomodante con un utente nuovo...


Chiudo l'argomento OT dei presunti riflettori lasciati dagli astronauti con un paio di informazioni in più:

National Geographic, 1966 -- The Laser's Bright Magic
Four years ago, a ruby laser considerably smaller then those now avaiable shot a series of pulses at the moon, 240.000 miles away. The beams illuminated the spot less then two miles in diameter and were reflected back to Earth with enough strenght to be measured by ultrasensitive electronic equipment.

The Laser's Bright Magic

nel novembre del 1963 esce un articolo del New York Times che dice quanto segue:

Soviet Bounces Light Beam Off Moon in a Laser Test

Special to The New York Times

MOSCOW, Nov. 4

A concentrated beam of light has been bounced off the moon and detected on earth by a Soviet observatory in the Crimea.

The feat, reported today by Tass, the Soviet press agency, duplicates an experiment conducted late last year by engineers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The superintensive beam was produced by a laser, a device that amplifies and focuses light. The principle is believed to have potential use in space communications and long-distance energy transmission.

The Soviet announcement said a laser had been installed at the focal point of the 100-inch reflector telescope at the Crimean Astraphysical Observatory.


La questione dei riflettori è chiusa. Era già possibile far rimbalzare impulsi laser sulla Luna ben prima delle missioni Apollo.

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