Re: Richard Gage prende nette distanze dal CIT

Inviato da  Sertes il 16/2/2011 13:46:43
Cito dall'articolo che ha aperto il thread:

The vast majority of eyewitness accounts refute the CIT flyover conclusion, as they entail that the plane hit the Pentagon or was flying so low it could not miss.

I was also surprised to learn that 12 of the witnesses that CIT interviewed (including six witnesses to whom CIT refers to as north path witnesses) were in a position to see the Pentagon and all 12 stated that they saw the plane hit the Pentagon. It was clear from this that CIT used improper investigative methods. CIT used and presented only those portions of their witness reports which fit their conclusion. The preponderance of CIT’s own evidence in fact supports the conclusion that the plane impacted the Pentagon.

Quindi la north path è stata percorsa da un aereo e termina in un impatto contro il pentagono.

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