Re: Richard Gage prende nette distanze dal CIT

Inviato da  Stefo il 17/2/2011 14:04:04
Secondo me, quello che Ranke e Marquis (CIT) sostengono sia avvenuto al Pentagono, cioè un'illusione collettiva, lo stanno facendo loro a molti di noi che si interessano all'11 settembre, cioè portarli a credere in una teoria assurda, indimostrabile e pure dannosa per la causa, quella del flyover. Non entro in argomentazioni già sollevate in precedenza (danni incompatibili con una traiettoria da nord, assurda creazione di danni lungo il passaggio dell'aereo davanti a una marea di gente in vero stile Hollywood).
Intanto, va ricordato che la maggior parte dei testimoni del CIT è stata sentita anni dopo l'avvenimento.
Vanno tenuti in considerazione anche i testimoni che hanno visto l'aereo colpire i pali della luce (altri hanno anche visto colpire il generatore).
I testimoni che hanno reso dichiarazioni sono un cero numero. Coloro che hanno visto l'avvenimento sono molti di più, alla luce del traffico intorno al Pentagono. Quindi molti di più avrebbero potuto vedere un fly-over, soprattutto coloro che si trovavano al di là del Pentagono nella direzione di volo dell'aereo, con visuale completamente sgombra, dopo aver sentito l'esplosione. Non sono mai giunte notizie di chicchessia, che abbia visto un aereo alzarsi IMMEDIATAMENTE DOPO L'ESPLOSIONE. Avrebbero potuto fare un video, oppure una fotografia. Pensate che scoop.

There were reported traffic jams on early morning 9/11 near the Pentagon. Traffic jams were reported on I-395, Washington Boulevard, and Columbia Pike. All of these witnesses were in excellent position to observe the plane. (credo che questo sia facilmente controllabile)

. “It was very, very low -- at the height of the street lights. It knocked a couple down.”[387]

2. “He said the craft clipped a utility pole guide wire.”[388]

3. “Penny Elgas stopped as she saw a passenger jet descend, clip a light pole near her.”[389]

4. “The plane approached the Pentagon… clipping a light pole, a car antenna… It clipped a couple of light poles on the way in.”[390]

5. “Next to me was a cab from D.C., its windshield smashed out by pieces of lampposts.”[391]
6. “[she saw] a low-flying jetliner strike the top of nearby telephone poles.”[392]
7. “It hit some lampposts on the way in.”[393]
8. “[the [plane flew] over Ft Myer picking off trees and light poles near the helicopter pad next to building.”[394]

9. “[he watched the plane clip] the antenna of the vehicle immediately behind him. It also struck three light poles between him and the building.”[395]

10. “The plane clipped the top of a light pole just before it got to us, injuring a taxi driver, whose taxi was just a few feet away from my car.”[396]

11. “I saw debris flying. I guess it was hitting light poles.”[397]

12. “As the aircraft approached the Pentagon, I saw a minor flash (later found out that the aircraft had sheared off a portion of a highway light pole down on Hwy 110.”[398]

13. “The tail of the plane clipped the overhanging exit sign above me.”[399]

14. “Street lights toppled as the plane barely cleared the Interstate 395 overpass.”[400]

15. “On either side of him, three streetlights had been sheared in half by the airliner’s wings at 12 to 15 feet above the ground. An engine had clipped the antenna off a Jeep Grand Cherokee stalled in traffic not far away.”

16. “I saw the wing of the plane clip the light post, and it made the plane slant.”[401]

17. “It knocked over a few light poles in its way…”[402]

18. “[It] struck a light pole…The plane tried to recover, but hit a second light pole and continued flying at an angle.”[403]

19. “There were light poles down.”[404]

20. “It turned and came around in front of the vehicle and it clipped one of these light poles…”[405]

21. “The plane was flying low and rapidly descended, knocking over light poles.”[406]
22. “I saw it clip a light pole.”[407]

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