Re: E i passeggeri?

Inviato da  ELFLACO il 9/6/2006 20:42:12
In questa testimonianza si dice:

Elliott, Bruce
Former ammunition plant official ... Col. Bruce Elliott ... watched ... as a hijacked 757
airliner crashed into the nerve center of the U.S. military command.
Elliott, ... said he had just left the Pentagon and was about to board a shuttle van in a
south parking lot when he saw the plane approach and slam into the west side of the
"I looked to my left and saw the plane coming in.... It was like a kamikaze pilot." ...
He said the craft clipped a utility pole guide wire, which may have slowed it down a
bit before it crashed into the building and burst into flames....
Elliott said the rubble was still smoldering Wednesday morning.
"Attack on America - Commander saw Pentagon crash," by Dennis J. Carroll, The Hawk Eye, 9/13-14/01

Nella prima frase chi racconta la testimonianza(dennis j Carroll) dice:

"Col. Bruce Elliott ...vide...come un 757 dirottato..."

Non è Bruce Ellitt a dirlo ,è carroll che lo dice.Infatti più sotto Elliott dice:

"dal parcheggio a sud vide L'AEREO arrivare e colpire il Pentagono".

In molti casi è chi ripporta la testimonianza a dire "il volo 77" o "American airliner" o " il 757 in pochi casi la testimonianze dirette sono precise sul tipo d'aereo.

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