Re: I pali tranciati dall'aereo 757 che fine hanno fatto?

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 11/9/2006 13:40:32
Ciao lito , da :


As a bit of history, the poles were hauled up to the VDOT yard and stored there by VDOT personnel. They have two huge recycle bins that get picked up every 60 days or so. They were not treated as forensic evidence or examined by the officials. They were sitting in the yard and then unceremoniously thrown in the bin and hauled away to be recycled. The historical society called 3 or 4 months after 9/11 and wanted to preserve them for history sake. It was too late

I pali non sono stati considerati elementi probanti , quindi dopo 4 mesi già erano spariti , quindi niente analisi

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