Re: The last word on the 911 Pentagon matter

Inviato da  Ashoka il 5/9/2007 12:32:55
Sono andati in giro per più di dieci minuti cercando un aereo che era già precipitato? C'era un bel casino, eh?

Capisci la differenza tra NORAD (quelli di cui hai citato i transcript) ed FAA (ovvero Belger)? Evidentemente no.

WATSON: United nine three, have you got information on that yet?
WASHINGTON CENTER: Yeah, he's down.
WATSON: What—he's down?
WATSON: When did he land? Because we have confirmation—
WASHINGTON CENTER: He did—he did—he did not land.
WATSON: Oh, he's down down?
MALE VOICE: Yes. Yeah, somewhere up northeast of Camp David.
WATSON: Northeast of Camp David.
WASHINGTON CENTER: That's the—that's the last report. They don't know exactly where.

In contemporanea, su un altro canale del Norad...

North East of Camp David... (non è esattamente Shanksville)

Exploded... (il mistero si infittisce...)


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