Re: Due testimoni preziosi

Inviato da  wells il 21/2/2008 21:26:43
Un’altra evacuazione era in programma l’11 agosto, per un’esercitazione che prevedeva l’impatto di un aereo contro il Pentagono:

Fortunately, we had practiced an evacuation of the building during a mass casualty exercise just a month earlier, so our assembly points were fresh in our minds. Purely a coincidence, the scenario for that exercise included a plane hitting the building. (General Lance Lord, Air Force Space Command commander)

Un’altra esercitazione, che prevedeva l’impatto di un aereo (specificamente un Boeing 757: “a hijacked 757 airliner crashed into the Pentagon”) contro il Pentagono, era stata svolta nel maggio del 2001.

Un’altra esercitazione ancora, che riguardava personale medico, era in programma per la giornata stessa dell’11 settembre:

Believe it or not, the day prior to the incident, I was just on the phone with the FBI, and we were talking 'so who has command should this happen, who has the medical jurisdiction, who does this, who does that,' and we talked about it and talked about it, and he helped me out a lot. And then the next day, during the incident, I actually found him. He was out there on the incident that day. (Matthew Rosenberg, medic at the Pentagon's DiLorenzo Tricare Health Clinic, in Soldiers to the Rescue: The Medical Response to the Pentagon Attack, p. 39).

Ma, non occorre neanche precisarlo: si trattava di mere coincidenze; mai nessuno avrebbe potuto prevedere un evento del genere ecc. ecc.

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