Re: Due testimoni preziosi

Inviato da  wells il 23/2/2008 3:12:40
Mi sembrava poi di ricordare che l’autore di quella corrispondenza, Chris Plant, fosse uno dei giornalisti arrestati e trascinati via in manette dall’Fbi, per aver fatto troppo i ficcanaso nei minuti immediatamente successivi all’attacco.
Purtroppo non ne ho trovato conferma nelle cronache, salvo un breve appunto di Steve Welch, personaggio certo interessante, ma non proprio notarile, per attendibilità, nelle sue affermazioni.

«CNN producer Chris Plant who was arrested
by Pentagon Protective Service officers
and put in handcuffs in the first hour after the attack».

E qualche considerazione sui reporters “threatened or, in fact, handcuffed and dragged away”,
fatta nel corso di un briefing del 12 settembre 2001.

Around that side of the building where the fire is and where the fire fighting's going on, I would appreciate it if you could intercede on behalf of the FBI to make sure reporters are allowed into a certain area there and allowed access in there so -- and not being threatened or, in fact, handcuffed and dragged away, that reporters do have an area close to the action where they won't necessarily interfere with things. But I -- would you --

Absolutely. You know, as I tried to say at the beginning of this, we understand and appreciate what you're trying to do. Understand and appreciate just how difficult this all is.
You know, Pam, as you said, this has never happened before. People are dealing with it remarkably, and we are going to make every effort we can to provide that kind of support, that kind of news and information to you, as we can. So we will work on that.

The only reason I say that is the FBI was just -- granted they have a job to do, but they were a bit overzealous yesterday…

Victoria Clarke

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