Re: INTERSTELLAR (spoiler)

Inviato da  bauer il 2/12/2014 16:04:04
Del monolite se ne parla già da un po' in giro:

avevo letto qui qualcosa a riguardo

Per gli anglofoni:

Nolan’s use of AI is atypical and will be the key to unlocking the code, with the robots saving humans more than once. In Kubrick’s work, we are all familiar with the famed battle of man against HAL 9000, where HAL seeks to supplant man’s evolutionary ascent. In Nolan’s work, AI is subservient to man, and does more than just aid him in his quest. In fact, mankind as a whole is saved more than once by the onboard bots that resemble Kubrick’s monolith in shape and form. Instead of mysterious, otherworldly stones of alchemical spacey origin, my thesis for Interstellar will here challenge the norm. It is my contention that the film advocates a form of transhumanism, where the mysterious “they” are not just the “humans of the future” as Cooper states, but advanced AI-human hybrids of the future. Several clues are given to support this thesis.

Ma non so. Il transumanesimo mi pare un po' una forzatura.

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