Re: Articolo di un giornale danese sul WTC7

Inviato da  Marco M il 24/4/2007 18:11:22

You don't have to be a woodcutter to grasp this.

No infatti, basta non essere in malafede.


How did WTC7 collapse? We are not asking 'why'. This is no conspiracy theory. There is no burden of proof on us. Some extremely simple observations have been made, and we want to hear an official explanation that is consistent with elementary physics and chemistry, and common sense.

Ciņ che si chiede da quasi 6 anni. Ma evidentemente non tutti hanno questa esigenza ed il loro common sense č allegramente offuscato da altro.


If you want to investigate the conditions described above, you won't find anything in the media. But Google something like 'WTC7' and you will find a flood of information. There are tens of thousands of people who have a feeling something is wrong.

But there is not a word about it in the media.

Che strano, eh? Lo chiamano "giornalismo".

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