Re: Distruzione della torre nord del World Trade Center e fisica fondamentale

Inviato da  sitchinite il 20/9/2010 0:02:33

Teba ha scritto:

Dal momento che le Twin Towers e il WTC 7 accelerarono uniformemente...

ne siamo sicuri?

penso che questo possa tornare utile nella discussione:

• Many times we are asked how long it takes a person to fall and how fast they were going. This table is an attempt to answer that question using a data table that skydivers use to estimate their free fall time.
• For example, after six seconds an average‐sized person will have fallen 504 feet. Over the last second they will fall about 138 feet, averaging a speed of about 95 miles per hour.
After about 12 seconds the person falls no faster, so for every additional second the person would fall another 174 feet at a speed of about 118 miles per hour.

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