Re: Piccolo dubbio vorrei un charimento

Inviato da  m4x il 13/11/2010 0:04:26
Ritrovate guarda caso proprio nelle trombe degli ascensori...

" Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, New York, told AFP that he saw pools of "literally molten steel" at the World Trade Center. Tully was contracted on September 11 to remove the debris from the site.

Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Maryland, for consultation about removing the debris [...]

Loizeaux, who cleaned up the bombed Federal Building in Oklahoma City, arrived on the WTC site two days later and wrote the clean-up plan for the entire operation.

AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site. "Yes," he said, "hot spots of molten steel in the basements." These incredibly hot areas were found "at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels," Loizeaux said. The molten steel was found "three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed," Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon. "

" I didn't personally see molten steel at the World Trade Center site. It was reported to me by contractors we had been working with. Molten steel was encountered primarily during excavation of debris around the South Tower when large hydraulic excavators were digging trenches 2 to 4 meters deep into the compacted/burning debris pile. There are both video tape and still photos of the molten steel being "dipped" out by the buckets of excavators. I'm not sure where you can get a copy.

Sorry I cannot provide personal confirmation.


Mark Loizeaux, President

La cosa comica è che la presenza d'acciaio fuso a Ground Zero è stata confermata persino dal NIST:

" The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issues a seven-page fact sheet to counter alternative theories about the WTC collapses [...] Regarding reports of molten steel in the wreckage at Ground Zero: " Any molten steel in the wreckage was more likely due to the high temperature resulting from long exposure to combustion within the pile than to short exposure to fires or explosions while the buildings were standing. "

Esplosioni secondarie e flash da demolizione prima dei crolli: Http:// | Http:// | Http://

Intere s t r a d e che c o l l a s s a n o con palle di fuoco che vengono fuori PRIMA dei crolli: Http://

E ciliegina sulla merda, esplosivo militare che sfrutta nanotecnologie ritrovato in 4, diversi campioni di polvere del WTC: Http://

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