Re: Temperature all'interno delle torri e comportamento dell'acciaio in generale

Inviato da  BruceLee il 26/2/2014 19:42:47

DrHouse ha scritto:

BruceLee ha scritto:
Certo, no problem:

"Gli obiettivi specifici sono: determinare come e perché i WTC 1 e WTC 2 sono crollati in seguito agli impatti iniziali degli aerei e perché e come è crollato il WTC 7"

Ora, cortesemente, traduci questo:

Purpose - The purpose of investigations by Teams is to improve the safety and structural integrity of buildings in the United States.

Ora cortesemente guarda, leggi e poi traduci questo:

In response to the WTC tragedy, the National Institute of Standards and Technology conducted a 3-year building and fire safety investigation to study the factors contributing to the probable cause (or causes) of post-impact collapse of the WTC Towers (WTC 1 and 2) and WTC 7; expanded its research in areas of high-priority need such as prevention of progressive collapse, fire resistance design and retrofit of structures, and fire resistive coatings for structural steel; and is reaching out to the building and fire safety communities to pave the way for timely, expedited considerations of recommendations stemming from the investigation.

Il grassetto è mio.

Non si risponde a una domanda con un'altra domanda!

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