Re: Nuovo Umanesimo ovvero Culto di Lucifero. La Religione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

Inviato da  Linucs il 24/4/2006 12:34:41
Sì, ho usato google ma non ho trovato niente al riguardo.

Magia di Google: effettivamente questa non si trova neanche a pagarla oro. La fonte originale era (

Copio e incollo dall'archivio:

South African Jews 'in dire straits'

International volunteer Louise Blustin discovered the difficulties for herself when she spent two months in the country on a programme run by World Jewish Relief. "When I first met them, it was very hard to make them realise their own potential," she said. "When I told them that they had the potential to start up a business and make money for themselves, I might as well have been saying that they could walk on water."

There have been complaints that Jews - like many other whites in South Africa - are being discriminated against in the job market as part of a nationwide government strategy to reverse the trends set by the racist apartheid era. Louise delivered aid to fellow Jews who were living in economic and social hardship.

World Jewish Relief says: "The government has set a target for all businesses to accurately reflect the national demography in terms of the racial background of staff in their workplace by 2006. "This means that in a year's time, 80 per staff of staff must be black and 20 per cent white, with huge fines and other penalties for companies who fail to meet the criteria.

"The current trend among skilled labour is in exactly the opposite proportion, which means that Jews are being laid off on a massive scale and those currently out of work are virtually unemployable."

Sono cose che succedono quando si è - come dire? - troppo pallidi nel posto sbagliato.

L'archivio completo include altri mille divertenti e curiosi link per la gioia del lettore.

Ma, forte di questo mozzicone di notizia, riprovo con Google cercando Louise Blustin.

Time for Life

"The policy specifically dictates that black people applying for jobs have to be favoured over whites - i.e. positive discrimination. When I asked my students about the policy the majority said even though it is making it harder for them to find jobs, they agree with it, seeing it as something necessary. I have the feeling however, that to say otherwise - to call out against the policy - would be so politically incorrect, that many people in fact are not happy and do not agree with it, but they simply do not say so".

Vi ricorda vagamente qualcosa?

The Government has set a target for all businesses and organisations to "accurately reflect the national demography in terms of the racial backgrounds of staff in their workplace" by 2006.

Vi ricorda nulla?

This means that in just over a years time, 80% of staff must be black, and 20% white, with huge fines and other penalties for those companies who fail to meet this criteria. The current trend among skilled labour is in exactly the opposite proportion which means that Jews (and whites in general) are being laid off on a massive scale and those currently out of work are virtually unemployable. The aid that Louise provided was education and training focussed and she ran an I.T. course for those Jews who need to be re-skilled to aid their chances of getting work.

Quote e miseria, as usual.

Veniamo a conoscenza di questa curiosa situazione grazie a In alternativa, non ne avremmo colto parola: evidentemente i media progressisti italiani, europei e made in USA hanno altro di cui parlare. Eppure si sente gridare all'antisemitismo ogni volta che un topo scorreggia in Siria, qui invece tutto tace.

Strano, vero?


Il tuo punto di vista diventa sempre meno chiaro, sempre più inconcludente, sempre più qualunquista ad ogni risposta.

Dimentichi populista e xenofobo.

Mi pare che in tutto questo non sia neanche visibile la volontà di cambiare qualcosa.

Qualcuno scrisse: l'essenziale è invisibile all'occhio.

Badombe> Wumba!

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