Re: Con la scusa dell’ Ambientalismo. Progetti di sterminio.

Inviato da  Freeman il 13/8/2007 17:34:51
A proposito di Bilderberg, leggete questo simpatico articolo (in inglese) apparso sul quotidiano turco online Turkish Daily News:

Why are we scared of Bilderberg?
Friday, June 1, 2007

Mehmet Ali Birand

It is the day of the conspiracy theorists.

They will be coming up with many fantasies starting today and lasting through the weekend. One wonders what they will come up with. They will form hard-to-believe stories about Turkey's future.

The reason for this exciting development is that the Bilderberg meeting is taking place in Istanbul this year.

According to conspiracy theorists, people against the West, nationalists, and fundamentalists, Bilderberg is no different from a mafia establishment full of tie-wearing, famous, influential people. They convene each year to decide how they will run the world and which country they would like to push and in what direction.

But Bilderberg has nothing to do with any of this. Participants of the meeting do wear ties, and they are well-known and influential people in their countries. However, one should not believe in what he or she hears or reads apart from these facts.

Bilderberg meetings constitute a forum where international developments are discussed, debated, and where participants learn a lot from each other. It is not much different from a seminar or a conference organized by an upscale NGO. The difference is the participants. The distinctness of the organization is a result of the quality of its participants, and not the decisions they make.

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