Re: SATURNIA, il Papa e lIia al posto di guida.

Inviato da  hornet il 15/11/2006 14:28:41

Martin Sheen (Jesuit Coadjutor) and some
other Jesuit protesting the shooting a
some Jesuits in El Salvador

e suo figlio fa outing riguardo al 911

Did Charlie Sheen keep the name Sheen because He's a Jesuit Coadjutor like his father? Is Alex Jones a Jesuit Coadjutor? Alex Jones is working for them in many ways. The question is, is he doing it on purpose? He has interviewed bigshots within the Roman catholic church and called any involvement of the Roman catholic church in the NWO as 'baloney'. He's very wrong about that as you can see from my site. Also, Alex always talks about the reichstag fire and compares it to the WTC attack but Alex never mentions the very important concordat between the Vatican and Nazi Germany the year Hitler came to power.

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