Re: Chi siamo veramente, cosa siamo veramente?

Inviato da  PikeBishop il 17/8/2013 17:29:28
lo so che metto sempre Malanga, ma c'è tanto nella sua ricerca

Anche qui:


Incense that many young probationers have turned to smoking in order to induce an apparent 'marijuana like' high. Probationers love it because it will not make them fail a drug test. Made up of chemicals likely produced in a Monsanto lab.

Collected urine crystals from an actual marijuana smoker, sprinkled over some nasty spices, mixed with dog shit, and then sold to 15 year old kids for an exorbitant price and untold cost to their bodies.

Adam "Yo, my stupid ass cousin is smoking that toxic ass potpourri again."

Joe "Is he stupid? Or is he on probation"

Adam "Evidently, both"

Per quelli il cui inglese e' scolastico: probation = liberta' condizionale vigilata

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