Re: Il danno invisibile di un caffè

Inviato da  ivan il 21/2/2015 17:18:39
link top ten food


10. Coffee

Calorie content of plain brewed black coffee: Two calories

Yes, that cup that gets you through the morning (and for some of us, throughout the day) contains zero calories – when drunk on its own.

Have it black and it'll be one of the best weight-loss adds you could have.

But adding sugars, syrup or milk will make the calorie content a cup of java soar, so if you're trying to slim down, steer clear of any extras.

Coffee should be drunk in moderation as too much of caffeine in your system can cause a strain to your heart

'Coffee is thermogenic and stimulates the burning of fat for energy,' Ms Connor said

The drink can also reduce your cravings as it can change the level of hormones in your digestive system that alert you whether you are hungry or full. Added bonus? Caffeine also boosts your metabolic rate.

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