Re: 15 Marzo Z-Day: giornata mondiale di attivismo e proiezione gratuita Zeitgeist Addendum

Inviato da  4v4l0n42 il 2/3/2009 1:34:25

sick-boy ha scritto:
Ma puttana la miseria, rispondi invece di linkare:

c'è la moneta nel "mondo di ZG"? no
C'è lo Stato? nemmeno

Quindi chi fa sì che non ci sia la moneta?
Perchè se la risposta è "la gente stessa" allora ZG auspica l'anarchia e ZGA non è che una previsione di quanto accadrà - al pari di Nostradamus. Se la risposta è diversa, quella cosa diversa è lo Stato.

E tu prova a leggere invece che dire parolacce.

Il sillogismo che hai proposto non regge, proprio perché non analizza la società con la forma mentis che lo ZM promuove.

Cito, forse inizierai così a capire:

A monetary system’s foremost motivating principle is Profit, or the acquisition of money through the exploitation of others. All players in the game must, in order to survive, seek out a strategy to acquire income. A “wage” earner seeks out the best possible pay he can get for his services, while the Employer (owner/producer) seeks to constantly reduce costs in order to maximize profit. This is the dominant “mentality” in a Monetary System and those who are in positions of great wealth (material “success”) are often the most ruthless. While many people who favor the profit system will talk endlessly about their “ethical” standards in regard to their practices, history has shown that the priority of profit is actually a sickness which is not only poisoning our personal/social well-being and standards of living, but also the environment on which we relay for virtually everything we need as a


Statistics have shown that human beings are increasingly being replaced by automated machines in the workforce, causing unemployment and hence a reduction in the purchasing power of its citizenry. Over time, as this phenomenon progresses, a tipping point will occur when the lack of consumer purchasing power will destroy the monetary based economy, for it won’t matter how cost effective the production companies are… people will simply not have any money to buy the items with, thus ending the mechanism of ‘cyclical consumption’.
Those who are aware of this, often attempt to create solutions within the monetary system, usually suggesting some form of ‘hyper-welfare socialist state”, where the rich elite own the factories, a virtually non-existent middle class (perhaps 5% of the world’ population) works to oversee the machine operations, while the rest of the world is given money to use, in the form of hand outs from the government. This type of idea is nothing but horrifying and absurd. It would lead to dictatorship, extreme liberty restrictions and great public anger, for the stratification of class is still there, giving those at the top access to more resources than the billions at the bottom. Consequently, we are now seeing a deliberate stifling and withholding of technological development for the sake of keeping people employed. It is like having an electronic drill available on a job, but instead you use a manual drill because you want to get paid for more hours in your job. This is fundamentally counterproductive. It is nothing but insanity to slow/ignore technological development in order to preserve an outdated social system. The entire point of technology is to free humanity from labor itself! We need a social design that focuses on maximizing our technological abilities for the sake of freeing humanity from drudgery and increasing productivity to its highest potential.
Anything less is unacceptable.


Distribution methods would also depend on the state of technology. For instance, production could eventually become so streamlined, that a product is only created when the request is made by a person in need. Regardless, warehouse like distribution centers, along with automated delivery would be the most simplistic way for now. Also, since there is no money used in this system, there is little need for a person to hoard their items. There is also no reason for a person to steal something that is available to everyone…and they certainly couldn’t sell it.

Mi sembra abbstanza chiaro.

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