Re: Dialogo reale tra operatori di borsa svoltosi l'11 Luglio...

Inviato da  Descartes il 26/9/2008 10:27:05

Il fallimento della banca Washington Mutual, che in fallisce "sulla carta" ma viene comprata "giusto in tempo" da JP Morgan, è un altro di questi strani eventi che suggeriscono che la crisi sia stata creata a tavolino. Inoltre i tempi (il governo la chiude proprio il giorno prima della votazione sulla legge, in tempo per far arrivare i titoli sui giornali del mattino dopo, quale tempismo!!) sono incredibilmente sospetti. Come ha scritto un commentatore sul blog di Mish:

"WAMU is a total scam. Closed out on Thursday to get the news for tomorrow. Expect all the hype for Friday to be focused on WAMU. IF WAMU is their TRUMP CARD they just showed their hand! What an orchestrated RIP-OFF. HOW OBVIOUS!"

La cosa strana è che JP Morgan doveva già comprare WaMu all'inizio dell'anno, quando JP Morgan fece un offerta di 4 dollari ad azione, molto meno di quanto ha speso ora.

September 25, 2008
Washington Mutual Seized by Feds, Assets Bought by JPMorgan

Biggest U.S. bank failure ever: Washington Mutual, which struggled to find a buyer, was closed by the federal Office of Thrift Supervision and the FDIC, for "insufficient liquidity" and being "unsound." The government orchestrated JPMorgan Chase's purchase of WaMu deposits for just $1.9 billion. WaMu's is the country's biggest savings and loan and has $310 billion in assets, but was affected by the mortgage crisis. Also, while shareholders and bondholds will be wiped out, the NY Times says Wamu customers "are unlikely to be affected." (Also, the FDIC insures deposits up to $100,000). Earlier this year, WaMu rejected JPMorgan's takeover at $4/share -- an analyst told Bloomberg News, "JPMorgan is getting a steal compared with what they were going to pay. It's very tragic.''

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