Re: Dialogo reale tra operatori di borsa svoltosi l'11 Luglio...

Inviato da  Descartes il 2/10/2008 3:50:15
Un deputato democratico, Brad Sherman, si è lasciato sfuggire un pezzo importantissimo del puzzle: Il bailout di Paulson sarebbe in realtà fatto per salvare gli investimenti di investitori stranieri (Rothschild? Cina?) che l'avrebbero richiesto espressamente:

If you don't get it now, you won't get it at all.
This is NOT a rescue plan for the economy. It is a bailout for FOREIGN BANKS AND INVESTORS.
Here is PROOF. Send this to everyone, spam the link if you must, and visit

China is pointed to as one foreign intervener. Do remember Maurice Strong, the Rothschild frontman to China.

For newbies, Rothschild is said to have 500 trillion dollars in assets, just under half of all the money in the world. Tight credit conditions are deliberately stage-managed by the most powerful den of thieves the world has ever seen.

Note the Senate will vote after sundown on the No Banker Left Behind Act in honor of Rothschild, er, the end of the Jewish day of atonment.

fonte: link

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