Re: Disastro o cospirazione? Discussione sulla crisi economica in corso

Inviato da  Descartes il 21/10/2008 14:46:38

tibberio ha scritto:

P.S.: a che punto e´ la raccolta differenziata della monnezza Lehaman Brothers?

I timori per la scadenza dei CDS Lehman stanno facendo crollare le altre valute e aumentando la domanda di dollari, in quanto le banche pare siano alla ricerca disperata di liquidità per pagare il debito:

Euro and British Pound Drop As Lehman CDS Deadline Increases Dollar Demand
Written on October 21, 2008 – 2:15 am | by admin

The Euro and the Pound fell to their lowest levels in over a week as the appetite for dollars was fueled by today’s deadline for settlement of Lehman Brothers CDS’s. Rumors are that banks and other sellers are hoarding cash to payout a estimated 91% loss on the investments. Meanwhile, France’s government announced the investment of 10.5 billion euros in the country’s largest banks including BNP Baribus SA, Societe Generale SA, and Agricole SA.[...]

fonte: link

Ma qualcuno suggerisce che la paura per oggi sia ingiustificata, in quanto la Reuters riferisce che le eventuali perdite delle banche non saranno rese pubbliche fino alla pubblicazione dei bilanci nel prossimo quarto dell'anno fiscale:

Fears About Lehman Derivatives Deadline Seen as Overstated
October 21, 2008, 7:10 am Link to This

Tuesday’s deadline to settle an estimated $400 billion in credit default swaps on debt in failed investment bank Lehman Brothers is unlikely to trigger new havoc in the market, derivatives analysts said.
Tuesday is the final day credit default swaps on Lehman’s debt can be paid out.
Speculation has mounted that banks and other sellers have been hoarding cash to pay out a massive 91 percent loss on the contracts.
Some analysts on Monday attributed gains in the U.S. dollar to demand for dollars needed to pay the insurance.
But experts say the fears are exaggerated and in any case, losses may not be made public until companies post their next quarterly earnings in the months to come.[...]

fonte: link

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