Re: Disastro o cospirazione? Discussione sulla crisi economica in corso

Inviato da  Descartes il 14/11/2008 19:33:27
Varie posizioni riguardo al G20 iniziano ad emergere. Molti pensano che sarà solo un inizio della discussione, Sarkozy parla di governance mondiale, mentre la Germania chiede di rimuovere il termine dai testi ufficiali.

G20 To Begin Implementation Of Global Financial Dictatorship
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, November 14, 2008

Powerbrokers attending this weekend’s watershed G-20 conference will set in motion plans for a new world economic order, the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency, and the centralization of financial power into an internationalist inner circle of regulators completely above oversight or accountability.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has already fired the opening salvo before the meeting even begins, with his call for the dollar to be demoted as the world reserve currency.

“I am leaving tomorrow for Washington to explain that the dollar cannot claim to be the only currency in the world…, that what was true in 1945 can no longer be true today,” Sarkozy stated yesterday.

Economy Minister Christine Lagarde echoed the call and suggested that the Euro could replace the dollar, but that the changeover would have to be gradual so as to reduce volatility.

“The stronger the euro, the more attractive it will be in many ways,” Lagarde told Reuters today, “It should be as gradual as possible because we don’t want at this very moment of high volatility on many markets, a major shift that would clearly induce yet more difficulties and volatility,” she added.

According to a CNN report, we learn that the agenda this weekend will be the creation of a “new global network of regulators - regulators that would presumably have power over U.S. banks,” a top down planned economy controlled by faceless international financial dictators, in addition to an increase in powers for the IMF and World Bank.

Naturally, this will be a catalyst for the wholesale looting of the taxpayer on an unprecedented and global scale. With the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury already having blazed the trail, stealing trillions of dollars in the name of bailing out the economy for the greater good while in fact hoarding all the cash for themselves, the G20 will seek to codify this grand theft larceny as a routine function of global governance.

Which is why CNN’s claim the the U.S. will seek to oppose centralization of global banking power is complete bunkum. The Fed and the U.S. Treasury has set the example, with the full support of President elect Obama, for the economic raping of the people on a scale never before witnessed. Lame duck George W. Bush’s rhetoric of warning that “government intervention is not a cure-all” is nothing more than a thin veil to mask the fact that the U.S. and the EU are in lock step on this agenda.

That agenda will be challenged by Russia and China who, aware of the fact that they have been largely frozen out of the global elite’s plans to create a new world order, have argued for a multi-polar economic system as oppose to the uni-polar plans scheme pushed by the U.S., France and Britain.

For the true purpose behind the meeting, we need look no further than the comments of Baron David de Rothschild, who this week said that the crisis will be a prelude to a new world order and a new form of global governance.

Likewise, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown also this week called for the new financial architecture to be built around the premise of “global governance,” that is, more power in fewer hands and more decisions being made by fewer people.

IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn echoes the same sentiment, telling Le Monde of the need for a “global regulation strategy” as a tool of global governance.

Sarkozy last weekend correctly summarized the mission as a charter for new “global governance” in the French government’s official proposal but Germany, apparently wary of letting the cat out of the bag, demanded that this term be removed from the official wording.

fonte: link

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