Re: Abraham Hitler

Inviato da  Nomit il 1/8/2013 12:44:45

PikeBishop ha scritto:

We know exactly who contributed, how much, and through what channels. It is notable that the largest contributors — I.G. Farben, German General Electric (and its affiliated company Osram), and Thyssen — were affiliated with Wall Street financiers. These Wall Street financiers were at the heart of the financial elite and they were prominent in contemporary American politics. Gerard Swope of General Electric was author of Roosevelt's New Deal, Teagle was one of NRA's top administrators, Paul Warburg and his associates at American I.G. Farben were Roosevelt advisors. It is perhaps not an extraordinary coincidence that Roosevelt's New Deal — called a "fascist measure" by Herbert Hoover — should have so closely resembled Hitler's program for Germany, and that both Hitler and Roosevelt took power in the same month of the same year
In questa frase non vedo scritto che il governo o altri organismi statali americani avrebbero finanziato Hitler. Parla di finanzatori privati tedeschi e americani che ovviamente avevano contatti con la politica.

Inoltre non vedo quali loro interessi fossero in contrasto con quelli delle popolazioni americana e tedesca.

E i finanziamenti all'Unione Sovietica?

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