Re: Ateismo e Fede

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 26/6/2006 11:17:10
Se fossero state civilta' diciamo evolute almeno fino al nostro medioevo qualche
traccia fisica(mura,palazzi,necropoli)insomma qualcosa di un po' piu' grosso di un pesto o mortaio l'avremmo trovato.

Una spiegazione potrebbe essere questa:

A huge slab of folded Earth that scientists think used to be part of the ocean floor has been detected near the planet's core.

The discovery supports the theory that Earth's crust is constantly recycled deep into the planet as molten material from below simultaneously pushes up to refresh the surface. [...]

The slab began its plunge toward the center of the Earth about 50 million years ago. It is denser than surrounding material, which is why it sinks. Its lower reaches are near the core, about 1,740 miles down. Yet it is still attached to the surface, much like a conveyor belt.

"It's like a carpet sliding off the dining room table," said study team member Edward Garnero of Arizona State University. "If it is more than half way off, it just goes taking everything with it."

Earth is divided into three main layers: the core, mantle and crust. The crust, a thin surface layer, is divided into more than a dozen major plates. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, plates spread apart and fresh material from the mantle wells up.

(Giant Slab of Earth's Crust Found Near Core)

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