Re: Il Terzo Segreto di Fatima riguarda l'Apostasia finale e l'Apocalisse

Inviato da  apoc2007 il 27/9/2007 12:35:13
Di cosa ha paura il Cardinal Bertone?

Riporto il resoconto dettagliato di cosa è successo quella sera davanti all'Urbaniana. Purtroppo è in Inglese perché ho trovato pochissimo sui media italiani.


Cardinal enters by side door, refuses questions

Rome, Sept. 22nd (Fatima Network) - The Italian press and public were scandalized this weekend by reports in the Roman media of a confrontation late Friday afternoon between Vatican security guards and noted Italian journalist Antonio Socci and Fatima researcher Solideo Paolini.

The two men, widely known for their recent research and writings on the Third Secret of Fatima, suffered some bruises as they were shoved away from the entrance to the Pontifical Urbaniana University, where Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone was about to hold a press conference.

The meeting was organized by the Vatican to relaunch Cardinal Bertone’s book, L’Ultima Veggente di Fatima, which was received with considerable scepticism when it was first published in May. They also promised to produce evidence to counter Dr. Paolini’s reports of his interviews with Archbishop Loris Francesco Capovilla.

Dr. Paolini has said repeatedly – most recently at the Only Way to World Peace conference in Brazil in August – that Archbishop Capovilla confirmed that there are in fact two texts to the Third Secret of Fatima, only one of which has been revealed by the Vatican. Archbishop Capovilla has never denied having said this. So it was with the purpose of hearing anything further that the Archbishop might have said that Socci and Paolini went to the press conference.

Accompanied by Alessandro Fuligni, the Fatima Center’s representative in Rome, Mr. Socci and Dr. Paolini were admitted to the hall where the conference was to be held. However, when Mr. Socci was advised by Father Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office, that he (Socci) would not be allowed to ask questions or otherwise challenge the Cardinal, the two men left the building hoping to see Cardinal Bertone when he arrived.

It was when the Cardinal arrived that the scandalous disturbance began. As Bertone got out of his limousine at the front entrance to the conference hall, he spotted Socci, who he knows well as the author of Il Quarto Segreto di Fatima, the book which directly challenges the Vatican’s version of the Third Secret.

On seeing Mr. Socci, the prelate turned on his heel and walked quickly to a side door, accompanied by security guards who interposed themselves between the Cardinal and Socci and Paolini. When Socci and Paolini tried to go back inside the building, they were turned away by the guards.

All this was witnessed by several members of the Roman media, who knew of the war of words between Bertone and Socci and had anticipated this confrontation. These members of the Fourth Estate rushed to interview Mr. Socci, to find out why the Cardinal had refused to speak even one word to him.

When they saw that Mr. Socci and Dr. Paolini had started to talk to the press, the Vatican-hired security guards advanced on the two men and ordered them off the university campus. When Socci objected, the guards seized him as well as Paolini – the latter being rather a slight man – and pushed and shoved them in the direction of the front gate.

During the melee, Dr. Paolini’s cell phone was seized by one of the thugs, who told him that he was not allowed to record what was going on. In fact, Paolini’s cell phone does not have a video recording function.

Meanwhile, Cardinal Bertone’s press conference went ahead as planned, with no voices of dissent being heard from the hand-picked guests. Once again the Vatican has succeeded in silencing those who wish to find out the truth – the whole truth – about the Third Secret of Fatima.

The Vatican succeeded in silencing Sister Lucy, because she was under a vow of obedience to her superiors. But they have not been able to silence Father Nicholas Gruner – himself the victim of a physical attack at Fatima in 1992 – and now others like Mr. Socci and Dr. Paolini have stepped up to challenge those who would mislead us or hide the facts from us. The truth will out!


"Who - between you and me - is Deliberately Lying?" by Antonio Socci
"Bertone vs. Socci: Civil War Rages in Rome Over Third Secret of Fatima" by Christopher A. Ferrara

"My Meetings with Archbishop Capovilla and the Socci-Cardinal Bertone Struggle" by Solideo Paolini
"The Explosive Testimony of Archbishop Capovilla: A Discussion with Solideo Paolini" by John Vennari

Declaration of Dr. Solideo Paolini (Sept. 18, 2007)

"Cardinal Bertone's Version of Third Secret Refuted"

"Antonio Socci Refutes Cardinal Bertone's New Book on the Third Secret"

"The Fourth Secret of Fatima" by John Vennari

"The Truth Breaks Out in Italy" by Christopher A. Ferrara

Video Online: "'A Bishop Dressed in White' - Commentary on the Third Secret" by Christopher A. Ferrara

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