
Inviato da  apoc2007 il 21/4/2010 11:28:39

Allegedly From God, the Father to Carol Ameche on 3-31-10 at Adoration:

"It is a peaceful week, but soon the world's sleeping volcanoes will erupt as in a chain reaction. This is to show those who pray that the WARNING is near. Please tell all to pray for those going into Eternity. They are the ones who will in turn choose My commandments, and repent of sinful lives in gratitude for My Mercy. It is a critical, yet very blessed time in the history of the world. I am truly pouring out gifts of new understanding for opportunities to choose eternal salvation in spite of lives wasted and opportunities for graces and My love.. refused and rejected by so many. Amen and Rejoicings! Hold on to the Triune God for absolute, 'dear life'"!!!

Carol Ameche

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