Re: Approccio alla Bibbia. chiavi di lettura

Inviato da  Decalagon il 7/10/2015 19:06:39

doktorenko ha scritto:
Gli elohim sono tutti maschi? Ovvero esiste il termine `dea` o `dee` in ebraico?

Domanda interessante. Ho trovato questo (da approfondire, chiaramente)

The idea of a single male deity is unique to our modern era. In all the ancient cultures, the Elohim was a male and female. In Egypt it was Osiris (masculine) and Isis (feminine). In Canaan it was El and Elat (also known as Asherah). To the Greeks it was Zeus and Hera. To the Romans it was Jupiter and Juno. To the Germans it was Odin and Frigg. I am not necessarily trying to make the claim that the Elohim of the bible are a god and goddess, just that the attributes of Elohim are both masculine and feminine.


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