Re: Zecharia Sitchin: la teoria

Inviato da  sitchinite il 3/3/2009 7:34:52

Davide71 ha scritto:
Continuo a non capire cosa c'entrino gli Anunnaki. Noé era uno di costoro? Oppure Sitchin ritiene il Dio della Genesi uno di costoro?

Qui siamo alle basi...
il dio della genesi é un nome collettivo che descrive di volta in volta a seconda del momento un anunnaki diverso.
Nella creazione di adamo é Enki, nell' episodio della torre di babele é Enlil, in quelo di sodoma e gomorra é Nergal etc etc...
Noè é Utnapishtim, sacerdote di Enki a Sippar.

The Igigi answered as one, “The work you have assigned us is killing; we can no longer bear it. We have put a stop to digging and declared war.”

Then Enki took the gods inside to counsel them. “Why do we blame the Igigi? Their tasks are too hard.

“Look,” he continued, “the goddess Mami is with us. Let her create mortals, creatures to be our servants and to do our work. Then we can put the yoke of Enlil on these beings and let the Igigi return to heaven.”


Enki responded, “If we use pure clay to make these new creatures, they will be like the animals, without intelligence. To make them capable of bearing the yoke of Enlil, we must slay one of the gods so his flesh and blood can be mixed with the clay to be made into a man. Then what we create will be god and man mixed together.”

The gods seized Geshtu-e, a god of wisdom, and slaughtered him. When his flesh and blood were taken and mixed with the clay, a ghost came into being so that none should ever forget him, or fail to remember that the new creature called man was part mortal and part divine.

Mami took the mixture and pinched off fourteen pieces, to create seven males and seven females. She presented them to the Anunnaki, saying, “I have done all you asked. You have slain a god of intelligence and mixed his flesh and blood with clay so I could engender men. I relieve you of wearisome work by imposing your yoke upon them. I have also bestowed upon them the ability to use the spoken word, so they may call to one another to help fulfill their tasks. Let each man choose a woman to wive so Ishtar can bless them with healthy children, to fill the earth with generations upon generations of servants.”

It was in this manner and for these reasons that man was created.

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