Re: Zecharia Sitchin: la teoria

Inviato da  sitchinite il 9/3/2009 20:01:29

Davide71 ha scritto:
Ciao a tutti:

ma la Natura si difende:
1) rendendo il parto più difficile (allusione alla presenza della levatrice)
2) aumentando la mortalità infantile (il demone Pazutto)
3) istituendo il celibato;
una lettura interessante del Diluvio, ma non certo l'unica.

Non é la Natura a difendersi, é un atto deliberato.

"Enlil perceived the wisdom in Enki’s answer and he was shamed. “Then, what is to be done?” he asked. “If nothing is changed, in another twelve hundred years, there will be too many people again.”

Enki said, “To prevent that from ever happening again, let the gods decree that a third of the women shall be barren and another third shall be unsuccessful in childbirth. In addition, let the women in the temples be made taboo, so they too will not bear children. By decreeing this, the gods will continue to have men for their servants but there will never be too many again, and the gods and men will live together evermore at peace.” "

Un decreto degli dei. O come dice Sitchin, una ulteriore modifica genetica.

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