Re: Inquinamento ed abbassamento del QI

Inviato da  gubbo il 9/11/2006 10:20:32
Ecco l'abstract del lavoro.....purtroppo non ho accesso al full text.
Come si vede l'autore afferma che gli inquinanti noti per avere effetti sullo sviluppo cerebrale sono pochi (metilmercurio, toluene, PCBS, etc.), mentre sono diversi (200) i composti chimici che possono avere effetti neurotossici sugli adulti (che hanno il cervello già formato, anche se questo non smette mai di modellarsi durante la vita).

Developmental neurotoxicity of industrial chemicals
Dr, Prof P Grandjean MD a b and Prof PJ Landrigan MD c d

Neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, attention deficit disorder, mental retardation, and cerebral palsy are common, costly, and can cause lifelong disability. Their causes are mostly unknown. A few industrial chemicals (eg, lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs], arsenic, and toluene) are recognised causes of neurodevelopmental disorders and subclinical brain dysfunction. Exposure to these chemicals during early fetal development can cause brain injury at doses much lower than those affecting adult brain function. Recognition of these risks has led to evidence-based programmes of prevention, such as elimination of lead additives in petrol. Although these prevention campaigns are highly successful, most were initiated only after substantial delays. Another 200 chemicals are known to cause clinical neurotoxic effects in adults. Despite an absence of systematic testing, many additional chemicals have been shown to be neurotoxic in laboratory models. The toxic effects of such chemicals in the developing human brain are not known and they are not regulated to protect children. The two main impediments to prevention of neurodevelopmental deficits of chemical origin are the great gaps in testing chemicals for developmental neurotoxicity and the high level of proof required for regulation. New, precautionary approaches that recognise the unique vulnerability of the developing brain are needed for testing and control of chemicals

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