Re: Eolico

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 3/5/2006 1:38:24
Dal sito United Nuclear, Hydrogen Fuel Systems:

Instead of moving forward with our research, 100% of our time and money is now being spent on fighting a legal battle with the U.S. Government.
Some time ago, the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) recruited the SWAT team and other Government agencies to raid our facility confiscating all papers, plans and computers.
They are attempting to block all sales and use of the chemicals used in our Hydrogen storage system.
The materials in question are common Oxidizers and have never been illegal to own or purchase and are not even classified as hazardous materials.
They are also attempting to block all sales and ownership of oxidizer chemicals, and a wide variety of other substances that will actually make it illegal to own a chemistry set. Our scientific supply page has additional information on how the CPSC actions will relate to home experimenters & science hobbyists.

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