Re: Controlled Demolition Inc : Pull it!

Inviato da  shm il 18/10/2008 20:29:30

Dai basta leggere la riga successiva per capire che avranno omesso qualche "not"
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has stated unequivocally, “NIST has seen so evidence that the collapse of WTC 7 was caused by bombs, missiles, or controlled demolition,” in its Collapse of WTC 7 report (p. 6). NIST’s working hypothesis for the collapse of WTC 7 is that it was caused by the collapse of a critical column due to “fire and/or debris induced structural damage.” There was substantial damage to WTC 7 when the nearby WTC 1 tower collapsed and fires began shortly afterwards. Also, WTC 7 was a very unusual building because it was built over an existing Con-Edison power generation substation, which contained two large 6,000 gallon fuel tanks for the emergency generation of power. The fuel from these tanks could have contributed to the intense heat that apparently weakened the supporting columns in WTC 7.
Naturalmente non essendo io di madrelingua.... è la mia semplice supposizione

...grazie per la spiegazione!!

...credo che solo di un... lapsus potesse trattarsi!!

EDIT: hanno scritto "so evidence" in luogo di "no evidence", facendo così una gaffe mostruosa...

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