Re: Cosa state ascoltando?

Inviato da  Luxio il 21/10/2011 21:38:54
Va bene, questa è:


It's the way that I feel that makes me so confused
It's the things that I see that create a kind of buzz
All the facts that I aknowledge they can make me go mad
It's the way that I breathe that provokes this relax

I might let go all this stuff and be led by the surface of things
I could surrender tonight and be blown so bad apart

I like to follow birds' flight in the sky
And I like to stare at the waves on the grass
Fascinated by the miracles of life
I believe there's a strong heart beyond

There must be someone out there with a sound head on his shoulders
We should be millions out there to feed this bonfire

Tons of brains will always be hypnotized
Till unaware they reach the sunday of their lives
But I will play my game and only few will know why
It's the cool of my madness that is keeping me so high

I want us to gather our mights to never be led into ignorance
I want us to gather our mights and find our inspiration in this life

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