Re: Gli extraterrestri non esistono!

Inviato da  zeppelin il 4/9/2015 22:50:31

Marauder ha scritto:
Spiegami ad esempio come fa un UFO extraterrestre di ferro e legno ad attraversare l'atmosfera arrivando dallo spazio e senza disintegrarsi. Soprattutto le rifiniture in radica.

Si, il testo della Iwase Bunko Depository library dà questo resoconto:
"The specifications of the craft, specified as 3 meters tall by 5 meters in width, had been built from red sandalwood and metal and was equipped with openings of glass or crystal."

però QUI viene detto che
"There are several versions of the legend" e che in un'altra versione è specificato:
"The boat was round and resembled a Japanese pot and was approximately 6m in diameter. The bottom was made from iron and was so strong that it could withstand crashes into rocks. The top was made glass and so it was possible to look straight in."

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