Re: Psichedelico - ciò che svela la mente

Inviato da  Timor il 20/12/2006 18:45:14
Per gli amanti dei sogni lucidi, un corso ben fatto per diventare più consapevoli dei propri sogni....spero che a qualcuno sia di profitto ahimè in english of course!

Un piccolo estratto sottolineante una descrizione del mondo a me cara


Know that all the external sensations are a mind-created projection of how you perceive reality to be, based on your ability to perceive.
This mind-based re-creation of reality is what I want you to look at. Know that your mind is what is creating reality for you. Not the other way around. Reality only exists because you are somehow aware that you exist, and that you have an ability to sense a reality. This cognitive function automatically generates a personal objective, your personal objective point in a stream of infinite energy and patterns.
The end result, what we hope to be, in as accurate detail, the re-created interpretation of endless waves of light particles, energy wave forms and other complex fields of energy which we are translating into our conception of reality.
This can be a profound realization to a some of people, but this is a safe, effective way to show you just how powerful your mind really is. Sit down, relax and do something. What ever you want but make sure that this time, you are aware that everything you are observing is just the product of your mental faculties. That the colors, the textures, the sounds, the objects are all just mer mental representations that your mind is re-creating from sensory data. Everything you observe is the product of your mind's perceptional abilities and is clearly, concisely flowing in perfect detail from your mind. The trillions of pieces of information all perfectly broken down, categorized and re-created by your natural thought process. Notice how when you become aware that this sense of reality exists only in your mind, how true that realization can be.
I am not saying that an external reality does not exist. But for us the observer, all we get to see is a personal objective point that we are mentally responsible for creating effortlessly every time we are awake and observing this experience. Everything must go through you before you can recognize it, observe it and learn from it. Knowing that the very reality you exist in, is also a mental reconstruction helps you hone in on very basic, fundamental powers of the mind.
Do you realize just how much information your mind is computing to create this reality in a given second? All the varieties of color, all the sounds, all the shapes, everything you experience is a product of the mind. And if a computer were to generate what your mind does in a second, it would probably cost trillions of dollars to build something that could effortlessly re-produce data, categorize it, understand it, interact with it, not to mention all the thinking and daydreaming we can do at any given moment. Our minds are super-reality generators both here, and in dreams. I don't think people really give the mind much deserved credit.
Think of yourself as a big sensory machine that is just interfacing with a reality system. Your primary goal is gathering data, and outputting a detailed map of that data as it appears to your sensory abilities. What do you see? - A splendid humanized view of this massive universe. It's still your own personal view.
You will see with dreams, how this whole process of experience comes down to your ability think on many different areas of your consciousness. Dreams are an elaborate expression of a multitude of thoughts we have conveying effortlessly in a dreamtime reality. If you are lucid in a dream, look at the dream knowing you are looking at your thoughts creating a pocket-reality for you to play with. The mind does have the ability to create reality; dreams are the first moment where we realize that this is evident.

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