Re: Io mi rendo conto...

Inviato da  NiHiLaNtH il 11/2/2010 13:06:58
eh già i sei milioni di ebrei

ma se già nel 31 Ottobre 1919 era uscito un articolo nel giornale "The American Hebrew" intitolato "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!"
scritto da Martin H. Glynn che diceva:

"From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread..."

"Within them reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the human race as naturally would reside in six million human beings..."

"In this catastrophe, when six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature should sway the heart and move the hand..."

"Six million men and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life; eight hundred thousand children cry for bread..."

"And so in the spirit that turned the poor widow's votive offering of copper into silver, and the silver into gold when placed upon God's altar, the people of this country are called upon to sanctify their money by giving $35,000,000 in the name of the humanity of Moses to six million famished men and women.
Six million men and women are dying -- eight hundred thousand little children are crying for bread..."

"Because of this war for Democracy six million Jewsh men and women are starving across the seas; eight hundred thousand Jewish babies are crying for bread..."

è ovvio che il sei ha un particolare significato esoterico e che non c'entra niente con il reale numero di morti

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