Re: Meccanica Quantistica

Inviato da  ivan il 6/11/2006 22:46:40
Wintermute wrote:



Per quel che mi riguarda sei solo un pessimo troll.

I'm not a troll.

I'm only a little child that hates those who want to make game of me.

The earth runs at 108,000 kph around the sun along its orbit, Mars does almost the same along another orbit, you can't see where is the probe, but they are able to drive the probe to a target of 500 million kilometers distant.

Suppose the probe can transmit a radio signal (really impossible: it has not enough power) to your control tower.

How can they locate where is your probe receiving only a radio signal from the infinite universe?

I am sorry for You: to go to Mars is not a matter of science fiction.

Good Bye.

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