Re: la terra è cava?

Inviato da  hornet il 27/10/2006 10:31:20
6-th, 2001 - 19: 0
Theory into Fact: Gravity, Magnetic Poles & Ringing Bells

The father of The Hollow Earth Theory Marshall B. Gardner says:

“In gravitational pull it is not the geometrical position that counts. Center, in the geometrical sense of the word, does not apply. It is the mass that attracts. And if the great mass of the earth is in its thick shell, it is the mass of that shell that will attract, and not a mere geometrical point, which is not in the shell, but 2900 miles away from it, as that is the approximate distance between the center sun, and the inner surface of the earth. As a matter of fact it is the equal distribution of the force of gravity all through the shell that keeps the sun suspended in the spot, which is equidistant with every part of the shell. When we are on the outside of the shell it is the mass of the shell that attracts us to its surface. When we go over to the inside of the same shell the same force will still keep our feet solidly planted on the inner side.” Marshall B. Gardner, The Hollow Earth Insider (1913.) (Page 33.)

William Reed also published his book, The Phantom of the Poles in 1913. Nether neither he nor Gardner knew of the others research, but both reached the same conclusions. Reed wrote:
“If the center of the walls of the earth is the center of gravity, then the greatest attraction would be the poles, where it is to be found. Nanson’s [a famous Arctic explorer] description of the dead water, it will be remembered is” ‘We could hardly get on al all, It is a peculiar phenomenon – this dead water – it occurs where a surface layer of fresh water rests upon the salt water of the sea, and this fresh water is carried along with the ship, grinding on the heavier sea water beneath as if on a fixed foundation.” (Pages 269-270.)

Reed Explains:
“The dead water was at a point where the center of gravity was extremely strong; the salt water, being heavier than the fresh, was drawn to the earth with such force that the fresh water could not penetrate it, and laud as separate and distinct upon it as cream upon a pan of milk. In the absence of any further proof of evidence, this dead water must have been about halfway around the curve, entering the interior of the earth and, if so, was in perfect accordance with the laws of the universe – that, the center of gravity is strongest at this point,”
(Page 270.)
Here’s the Pole – There’s the Pole – Where’s the Pole?

If the world were solid as we are told then it stands to reason that the magnetic poles would be at the geographical poles. But the world is not solid and science must be fitted to support the facts. If it’s true that the earth is hollow with large circular openings at the poles then the real location of the geographical poles are not on land, but in the exact center of the North and South polar openings. And if the mass were the attraction of gravity as Gardner claims then the magnetic “pole” would be found to circle around the lips of these openings to the inner lands.

Master Minds of Modern Science (1931) by T.C. Bridges and H. Hessell Tiltman contains short biographies of some of the most intelligent people alive during the early 20th Century including a chapter on Sir Edgeworth David, the first scientist explorer to “visit” the South Magnetic Pole. The article covers Sir Edgewood’s findings.

“The magnetic Poles are not fixed points, but a knowledge of the exact position of this point of magnetic attraction, revised from time to time is necessary to enable sea captains, whose compasses are controlled by its influence within the Southern Hemisphere, to discover their position with greater precision than would otherwise be possible.

Our earliest knowledge of the point of attraction within the Southern Hemisphere depended on observations made in 1814 by Sir James Clarke Ross, the famous Antarctic explorer after whom the Ross Sea is named. Between that date and 1902, when Captain Scott made renewed observations at a distance while on his first expedition, the South Magnetic Pole had moved two hundred miles eastward.

“Though scientists have discovered how to measure the position of any part of the Southern Hemisphere in relation to the center of magnetic attraction, very little is known about the Magnetic Poles or the forces which govern them. To quote one authority:

“The Magnetic Poles are not fixed spots, but are constantly travelling onwards, executing an unknown path and apparently completing a circle in a period of many hundreds of years. In addition to this onward movement of a few miles a year, there is lesser daily oscillation.””


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