Re: L' angolo delle cose che non si sa se ridere o piangere

Inviato da  sitchinite il 14/3/2012 23:59:52
Notizie più dettagliate e una analisi stupenda nel plog di Dienekes, blogger e antropo-genetista greco.

The evidence is slowly mounting for the place of origin of fully modern H. sapiens, as region after region strikes out by having archaic humans present when they are not supposed to be there. Both Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia have struck out, and Europe had already struck out because of its documented Neandertal population. Australasia is not a valid option due to the lack of precursors, and the Americas because of the their late settlement.

That leaves two options: northernmost Africa (what is now desert) and Arabia/the Gulf Oasis/Indian subcontinent. I'd say that things are looking good for my two deserts theory.

Dienekes é una miniera di informazioni per tutto ciò che riguarda dna e antropologia.

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