Re: Film da vedere assolutamente?

Inviato da  earlturner il 25/12/2013 20:35:49
Le Vite degli Altri - The Lives of Others - Das Leben der Anderen [ titolo origiinale ]

In 1984 East Germany, Stasi officer Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler is assigned to spy on playwright Georg Dreyman. Wiesler and his team bug the apartment, set up surveillance equipment in an attic and begin reporting Dreyman's activities. Dreyman had escaped state scrutiny due to his pro-Communist views and international recognition. Wiesler soon learns the real reason behind the surveillance: Minister of Culture Bruno Hempf covets Dreyman's girlfriend, actress Christa-Maria Sieland, and is trying to eliminate his rival....

da non perdere e da seguire rigorosamente in lingua originale con subs nella vs lingua

buone "feste"

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