Re: pedofilia vaticana = chiacchiericcio

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 9/4/2010 16:43:02
un po' come quei babbei che spendono 5000 euro per farsi togliersi il malocchio da quei fanfaroni che perfino il CICAP è in grado di smascherare.

E alla fine verrà fuori che anche lì hanno preso un granchio...

Noted psychiatrist and author Colin A. Ross, M.D., has published experimental data that supports his scientific hypothesis that the eyes emit energy that can be captured and measured. Dr. Ross' paper, "The Electrophysiological Basis of Evil Eye Belief," is published in the current issue of Anthropology of Consciousness, a journal of the American Anthropological Association. The full paper is available at

Although nearly everyone has experienced the sense of being stared at only to find that a person or animal really was looking, Western science has long rejected that the human eye can emit any form of energy. Dr. Ross says his findings move "human ocular extramission," which he also refers to as an "eyebeam," from the realm of superstition to science.

"We used our patent pending Electromagnetic Beam Detection System, which includes modified EEG neurofeedback equipment, to prove that the human eye emits an electromagnetic signal that can be measured scientifically," said Dr. Ross. "I hope that future experiments will determine why energy emitted from the eye is so strong and whether it can be harnessed through focused attention."

(Psychiatrist's Research Finds You Really Can Feel a Person's Stare)

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