Re:L'angolo delle cose preoccupanti...

Inviato da  Merio il 1/12/2013 18:03:53
A Jim Stone è arrivata una mail interessante a proposito di Fukushima... che difatti è a più ampio respiro e va a descrivere ciò che in teoria accadrebbe nei prossimi anni...

NEW Tsunami Info...

Scorrete un po' giù fino a leggere la scritta NEW TSUNAMI INFO...

Da cui traggo un appunto:

[...]The US's efforts to contain China will soon be blowing up in America's face, as the money they are using to support this massive military build-up will soon be completely worthless. The dollar is dying fast as on schedule. American exceptionalism is pure myth, just like the Pax Americana. America sold its soul to the bankers long, long ago and it’s almost time to pay the price. It served its purpose and now they have no reason to keep going. Their empire will crumble into dust as the parasites are leaving it to the wolves and staking out their new host. This can be seen in China's recent economic reforms. While these sound good to the short-sighted, they are a part of the plan to turn China into an elitist playground of corporatism, much like the US is now.

China's time in the sun will not last of course, and with all of the great powers suffering from decimated economies, the path to one world government will be secured. While China is not totally infected yet, the bankers are gaining tighter and tighter control over the country, and unfortunately, the corruptibility of the politicians is making it very easy for them. China has been being primed for many years now. I really hope the Chinese people will find the courage that Americans never had to stand up to this system, but I doubt it at this rate. They are doing a very good job of making it look like they are getting more freedom when they are really moving towards corporate fascism.[...]

Tra l'altro qualche giorno addietro lo Stone si era dedicato a scientology...


Qua lo Stone si sbilancia eccome affermando che lo strumento che usano i membri di Scientology, detto E-meter è del tutto LEGITTIMO e anzi è proprio perché funziona e permette di sgamare possibili spie (perché secondo lo Stone, la CIA tenterebbe di infiltrare qualsiasi culto religioso) che Scientology viene sempre trattata dai media come un culto elitario odioso etc etc...

Che dire... boh... mi confonde abbastanza questo Stone...

Ma si... una stramberia, in più o meno che cosa sarà mai...

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