Re: Come viene recepita l'informazione.

Inviato da  ivan il 21/4/2012 16:07:00

Puoi indicare dove questo è accaduto nell' esempio del link che hai postato?


link cosmosmagazine

There is an elementary equation in physics:

frequency = (speed of light)/(wavelength)

According to the equation, if the frequency varies, this could be due to a variation of either the speed of light or the wavelength. The frequency does vary and clever relativists have always known that the frequency variation is due to a variation of the speed of light. However they have also known that this variability of the speed of light is fatal not only for the theory of relativity but also for the whole modern physics. On the other hand, the world (not only clever relativists) has always known that Einstein's relativity is based on the assumption that the speed of light is constant, not variable. How then could the collapse of modern physics be avoided?

Through destruction of rationality in science. If you manage to destroy it, scientists would accept anything:
that the wavelength rather than the speed of light varies, that the speed of light does indeed vary but not locally, that the problem of the variability of the speed of light disappeared when Einstein created his general relativity, that the speed of light is variable in general relativity but constant in special relativity, that the frequency variation is due to gravitational time dilation, not to the variation of the speed of light, etc. etc. There seems to be no absurd explanation that relativity hypnotists have not contrived and taught. The destruction of rationality in science is irreversible.

Pentcho Valev

Submitted by Visitor on 10 May 2007 - 5:17pm.

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