Re: Il M5S incontra Julian Assange

Inviato da  Sertes il 10/12/2013 12:26:26
Pyter ha scritto:
Vedi Sertes, basta un cablo solo sul fosforo e il tuo ragionamento cade come una pera cotta.

heh, hai ragione. Dopotutto wikileaks parla di crimini di guerra e fosforo bianco.

Però americano:

Soldiers’ Perspectives On The Use Of Chemical Weapons

On June 10, 2013, Iraq war veteran Daniel Somers wrote a final letter to his loving wife and family before taking his own life. Somers, who participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom, said he was forced by the US military to participate in crimes against humanity as well as cover up of these horrific crimes. He did not reveal any details of the crimes, but stories from many other veterans corroborate...


Invece per il fosforo bianco israeliano, wikileaks nel 2009 negava che ci fossero prove:

Asked about alleged IDF use of white phosphorus, de Veen said he saw no evidence of injuries from white phosphorus at al-Shifa and noted that ICRC previously distributed protocols for reporting suspicious weapons-related injuries. ICRC has not so far received reports through that channel. He told Poloff privately that he saw no pressure for clinicians to give Hamas militants preferential or expedited care.


Quando poi nell'aprile di quest'anno è stata la stessa Israele a dire che smetterà di usare fosforo bianco... a breve

Israel's army said Thursday that it would soon halt its use of white phosphorus shells after years of international criticism for using the incendiary munitions in crowded Palestinian areas.


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