Re: Totalitarismo e Socialismo

Inviato da  DrHouse il 6/1/2014 14:25:33

mirco ha scritto:
Pispax come puoi pretendere di essere creduto affermando che gli Americani ( poveri ) vanno a farsi curare a Cuba?
Certamente ognuno è libero di spostarsi dove pare e piace ( possono entrare gli americani a Cuba per farsi curare a gratis? ), e forse uno o due americani all'anno andranno all' Avana a farsi levare un molare.

Americans traveling to Cuba in record numbers
(Reuters) - Americans are visiting Cuba in record numbers despite strict travel restrictions, joining the hundreds of thousands of Cuban Americans who travel home each year, according to Cuban government figures published on Friday.

Just over 98,000 U.S. citizens visited Cuba in 2012, up from 73,500 in 2011 and twice the number compared with five years ago, according to an online report by the National Statistics Office (

The numbers do not include more than 350,000 Cuban Americans estimated by travel agents and U.S. diplomats to have visited the island last year. Because Cuba considers them nationals, they are not listed in its tourism statistics.

Healthcare in Cuba
Carmen M. Cusack

Poor Americans who lack health-insurance or have little opportunity to access specialized or non-emergency medical treatment in the U.S. should be permitted by the U.S. State Department to spend money in Cuba in order to receive inexpensive medical treatment, and should be allowed to stay (and spend) in Cuba as long as necessary in order to receive inexpensive medical treatment.

If Americans were permitted by an exception in the Helms-Burton Act to spend money in Cuba and visit for medical purposes, then Cuba would likely treat these Americans for a very low cost. This can be argued because 1) Cuba has a longstanding history of providing fine medical treatment to their own poor and the poor of other countries; 2) Cuba has also provided medical education to poor U.S. students seeking to treat and care for the American poor; and 3) Cuba provides free emergency care, stabilizing care, and medicine to Americans who fall ill in Cuba.

Health tourism and pharmaceutics
Cuba attracts about 20,000[77] paying health tourists, generating revenues of around $40 million a year for the Cuban economy. Cuba has been serving health tourists from around the world for more than 20 years. The country operates a special division of hospitals specifically for the treatment of foreigners and diplomats. Foreign patients travel to Cuba for a wide range of treatments including eye-surgery, neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinsons disease, cosmetic surgery, addictions treatment, retinitis pigmentosa and orthopaedics. Most patients are from Latin America, Europe and Canada, and a growing number of Americans also are coming. Cuba also successfully exports many medical products, such as vaccines.[78] By 1998, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Cuban health sector had risen to occupy around 2 percent of total tourism. Some of these revenues are in turn transferred to health care for ordinary Cubans, although the size and importance of these transfers is both unknown and controversial. At one nationally prominent hospital/research institute, hard currency payments by foreigners have financed the construction of a new bathroom in the splenic surgery wing; anecdotal evidence suggests that this pattern is common in Cuban hospitals.[79]

Va poi aggiunto che il numero di americani che si sono recati a Cuba fino a oggi per motivi sanitari è stato sicuramente limitato dal fatto che l'embargo costringe gli americani che vogliono recarsi a Cuba a ottenere un visto speciale oppure a passare per il Canada o le Bahamas.

Comunque, siamo OT.

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