Re: Scie chimiche- dibattito- Ma scusate...

Inviato da  protoss il 10/11/2011 23:28:32
Qui siamo in USA, eloquente come le scie a pettine poi si trasformino in cirri artificiali espandendosi coprendo l'intero cielo che prima del passggio degli 'aerei', era completamente azzurro:

On the morning of December 30th, 2008 I captured several small white unidentified aircraft flying high in the skies over Dallas, TX. They were spraying a white cloud of an unknown substance all morning which formed what looked like clouds over the entire city.

This video is absolute proof that somebody is spraying our cities in criss-cross patterns with a white, cloud-like substance. It is clearly not a typical contrail from a commercial airline. Ask yourself why this is happening. Who is doing it. Why doesn't the media address it?

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