Re: Scie chimiche- dibattito- Ma scusate...

Inviato da  NiHiLaNtH il 25/9/2013 11:21:25
questo mi sembra interessante
l'attvista Hans Oellers fa alcune domande sulle scie chimiche ad un pilota di linea

trascrizione delle parti essenziali

Hans Oellers: "Just a question. Do you know what is a chemtrail ?

Pilota: "I do know what a chemtrail is"

Hans Oellers: "And is it true ?

Pilota: "Uhh well there is a big debate"

Hans Oellers: "Do you believe it ?"

Pilota: "I don't have enough information"

Hans Oellers: "Because I saw a lot of videos on the internet and it really looks believable"

Pilota: "Well it's arguable both ways I think, depends on which argue you're on"

Hans Oellers: "But what is your personal opinion over it ?"

Pilota: "I think there is a part of truth"

Pilota: "It's a necessary evil ( inaudible )"

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